Keep Airbourne Flying Sign up!
What a fantastic day and grand finale to Airbourne 2023!
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS, WELL DONE & THANK YOU to Council’s Event Team and all those involved in organising and supporting this absolutely brilliant event.
Airbourne is one of the jewels in Eastbourne’s crown and attracts many thousands of visitors to our town every year. It’s a spectacle that puts us on the international map as a top destination and last year, had an estimated economic benefit of £27 million and for a town where more than 1 in 4 jobs depend on tourism, it gives shops, restaurants and hotels the best weekend of the year, with over 800,000 visitors over the days of the show. I spoke to hundreds of visitors as I combed the beach to support fundraising efforts.
Last year, we petitioned the Council to commit to Airbourne 2023. They did, but not beyond.
Volunteers and local groups do a magnificent job in helping to raise funds through the bucket collection, but the council’s shaky finances cast a shadow over staging the event even when Airbourne makes such a difference to local livelihoods and the Eastbourne economy.
Funding was not the only issue to overcome previously, I know the Liberal Democrats have been conflicted about the ‘carbon cost’ of Airbourne but I was on the Airbourne project board, so I know how hard the Events team and council officers have worked to make the event the great success it is and ever more environmentally sustainable.
Launched in 1993, grounded by covid, planes have graced our skies for nearly thirty years. So, if you loved The Airshow too, please sign up to show your support for Airbourne 2024 so we can encourage the Council to commit again - and for the foreseeable - and keep Airbourne flying.